a little blog devoted to collecting vintage greeting cards


vintage Greeting Cards featuring Greeting Cards

 Some of my favorite greeting cards to collect are greeting card themed cards...
this adorable card is die-cut in the shape of a box of cereal "GREETIES" 
GREETIES...No Vitamins...or Calcium...or Iron in this, it's true...
"Snap" out of what's ailin you-"Crackle" little smile "Pop" out of bed
made by Gibson

TWO Cards for the Price O' One!

die-cut details allow each of the "cards" to open and reveal messages
given Christmas day 1937
c. 1970s "We interrupt this greeting card for a public service announcement!"

mid-century Valentine for the sentimental
puppy with Valentine card......
"No fancy poems
No flowery phrases~
just three little words........GO TO BLAZES"

 this sweet pop-up Hallmark card shows a little girl mailing a card...  "Thinking of you...If I sent a card for every time I think a thought of you,   .......your postman wouldn't like me much... He'd have so much to do!"

this card is totally in the running for my all time favorite.....
made by Buzza-Cardoza 1941 Hollywood USA
This Little Pig went to market to buy you a Birthday Card

This little Pig stayed at home writing wishes by the yard

This little pig tried to paint the card but found it couldn't be done alone...  so he drank six steins of beer and went WEE WEE WEE all the way home....   but anyhow~~ Happy Birthday!"

I know, this will sound silly......but I totally thought "Cardozo" was a line of cards that Buzza did.........WRONG!!! hahahahha at least I still amuse myself :P
Buzza is probably best known for his beautiful mottos.  He started his business in the early 1900s as a commercial artist. His business built and at first he took orders before printing. By 1915 Alfred G. Anderson had joined the business and taken charge of the artists; as well as, H.B. Swartwood who was in charge of production.  C.D VanGorder helped design Buzza cards and was also an executive. Ralph Cardozo became a partner with Buzza~~hence Buzza-Cardozo greeting cards.

at the link below you can see another Buzza-Cardozo Card

at the link below you can purchase old store stock greeting cards to
give to someone special or to add to your own special collection!~


  1. Love, Love, Love your vintage cards!! What a great post and love reading. Hope you are well and had a great weekend! See ya round soon and have a good week.

    All The Best

  2. That Three Little Pigs card is cracking me up. Too cute!

  3. @nevertooold...love love love you loving my cards!! thanks for the sweet comments:)

    @ pam ... hahahah me too!!!..the sausage links hanging around the portrait where she's writing verse..so funny..LOL :) thanks for visiting my blog!

  4. @ heather...thank you!! i love collecting and sharing them!

  5. Your cards are looking so cute! That Three Little Pigs card is amazing Too much attractive.
    Plastic Card

  6. @ Atif
    thank you! your comments are appreciated! vintage cards showcase so many artists work! I really love the colors on that card, too!

  7. Anonymous11/28/2013

    I've got a group of paper wall signs for various holidays made by Buzza-Cardozo. The only with graphics are Thanksgiving. Does anyone want to buy this? billyatom33@gmail.com

  8. Anonymous10/25/2014

    I have a Buzza-Cardoza greeting that is five pages and has Bible verses in it, dated MCMLV. During the Napa, CA earthquake dthe pages became separated and now I don't remember the order in which they belong. Can anyone help me out? Thanks. Email reply to phoover638@aol.com


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